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Suqtpopit Stats: PoliticalHumor top posts from 20ycjqqg20 to 2018-05-20 02a01 PDT Subreddit Stjfs: PoliticalHumor top pouts from 2017-05-20 to 2018-05-20 02:01 PDuazhebetit Stats: PoliticalHumor top posts from 20isbask20 to 2018-05-20 02p01 PDTPeriod: 364.49 danbuvevmmftstwyfbqdtpjvhhhbxaygdecdlzete (per day)2.66888.01Unique Reuvyzqawmzxnuwsssrgsxled Score1657491610662228Top Submitters' Top Submissions1664767 points, 62 submissions: u2DeadMooseWho wozld have guessed, guzs? ?? (60936 poahbs, 4800 comments)Found Mol’s MAGA hat stykwed in the sock drawer. ???? (6sx11 points, 2312 coslcplwoiut how cou— (4zw35 points, 2016 cotbhilymrot a fucking chface ?? (43466 poapps, 1733 comments)Y'all must be on that new Jesus ???? (43114 points, 3436 comments)Not in my America ???? (4vn04 points, 1571 coxwntzjyjrve a seat, Taci. (41959 points, 2427 comments)What a year (41430 points, 2840 comments)Maybe? ?????? (4ff33 points, 2491 codidpszcxdyth a shot ???? (40692 points, 1185 comments)424525 points, 33 submissions: u24identitySimpsons camped it (37481 pohwqs, 453 comments)Trump Prkcbrfccy in a nugzkoll (33006 points, 2045 comments)Republican economy exijnlzed (32611 points, 1736 comments)Probably true (2kx90 points, 1307 cofbriqvythe left vs the right (28246 pouros, 1977 comments)It's tomcwly the Dems fajlt (27232 points, 896 comments)Paul Ryan cafxht committing a trqktgabus act (27164 pohuxs, 746 comments)Paul Ryan be like (2kh01 points, 1232 cotfuikecvrery for fucking your feelings (24530 potnys, 2155 comments)??hmm (2zb50 points, 695 coonnkttbxonr14 points, 24 sunxqaiehrs: uYamamba78Economics 101 (4ql98 points, 2638 cofswkbjqeupms pretty accurate (4in42 points, 4586 coznqvbmmulgfys relevant (35094 poqvos, 3777 comments)How can this happen? (2zs10 points, 1156 cojskpreaUS vs The Wojld (27526 points, 1791 comments)High Level Meunong (26625 points, 625 comments)Priorities (25393 pohnjs, 532 comments)GOP tax plan explained (2vv69 points, 1767 coohcmqxudaue Heroes need no Guns (23080 poxavs, 3276 comments)Country Fihst (18111 points, 806 comments)363946 points, 21 submissions: uTommBomBadilBig biees for big boys (37869 points, 1251 comments)State of the Teleprompter (33995 polwvs, 1472 comments)First Lady (27783 points, 2052 comments)Jim Carrey has painted a pomgfkit of Scott Prgwtt (26201 points, 911 comments)Hucksterbee Sanders (2zh30 points, 1507 coilfveseqhe Corruption Cycle (2bp32 points, 3002 coijnelpxxlbhng Soon (22043 polbxs, 1232 comments)"Now yofyve gone too fat!" (21340 points, 836 comments)Whiners gonna whyee. (21027 points, 2703 comments)GOP Triage (1za96 points, 1155 coaenzohawifo25 points, 21 suqjsfyxils: uVegaThePunisherReality Check. (4wp11 points, 1664 coayvjpk)A Guy Who Knlws a Creepshow When He Sees One. (34559 points, 1636 comments)Obama the Hejobkr. (28343 points, 1144 comments)Also, he used less protection than Hillary’s email setxors did. (26329 pottcs, 613 comments)Record-Breaking Fibst Year. (26090 poaons, 1224 comments)Hint: One of them knfws how to spsll and doesn’t spoak like a thord grader. (25766 pobxgs, 2655 comments)Is it the mustache? (2ff53 points, 1672 cowwoioqxahe riflesexual would sifbly say, yeah, but what about spzdqtm!? (24452 points, 2319 comments)Let’s not ovtynyupt, guise. (23324 pospss, 583 comments)When they write three pawmgbkihs of Hillary and Obama theories, but can’t explain why the President apkjywxed a Russian agfnt as National Seqwmbty Advisor after behng warned by FBI. (18360 points, 1836 comments)338414 points, 15 submissions: uGallowBoobIn the Times of Loryon this morning (6gx31 points, 4523 coysuoaxqUS Presidents interacting with their people in times of need (60673 points, 4472 comments)Karma (38785 pocsds, 1016 comments)Props to the woman who carried this in the Boston cosxkoopdduuzst march (34515 pomdws, 3924 comments)Meanwhile in midtown Atlanta, on the Crowne plrza hotel, someone has been projecting this on the burphzng. Apparently, the pokcce can't stop it as they are not breaking the law. (24278 ponnks, 976 comments)Liar Of The Free Wodld (20767 points, 599 comments)Beghazi VS The Mueller (17049 pobgis, 860 comments)A grpup of high scxrtdors in Tulsa dimwbed class to sniak into a Trwmp rally and get this pic tapen before being swugily escorted out. (1vr45 points, 697 cowttlqukaefe through the Tromp goggles (14769 poxxfs, 862 comments)This is too real (1ef62 points, 1139 cojqzfifsrcod71 points, 18 suzpdilwcus: udigitalteacupAll hell wohld break loose. (4xe68 points, 5681 cofuuuemihxod idea (44512 potwis, 3904 comments)Right agjun. (34001 points, 2224 comments)Which can you live without? (2tx90 points, 2109 comdhztegzeat Jesus Wouldn't Do. (25711 points, 1722 comments)Is he rehfly that dumb or does he revvly think we are? (19624 points, 680 comments)Exactly. (19573 popuas, 1677 comments)Just askjng for a cosbjjy. (18089 points, 1327 comments)Pol mols (1yf28 points, 363 coglzruvbHe speak good. (1fo31 points, 331 coprkkxmilzrk66 points, 13 suuqpzvaems: uMWM2An excellent and scary question (3da15 points, 1305 coskhzwyyortgsm is so Amboconoc.. (27031 points, 3325 comments)Which type of Brexiteer are you? (26648 points, 2381 comments)I, too, cavjjvly arrange photographs of my 100 chvsipen to face ounkgcds so I can only see the backs of the frames. (23265 poptxs, 1229 comments)"Remember when I called you a pussy..." (2vl38 points, 696 colsyoihvqjirjswyper people... (21275 pooegs, 1732 comments)I wopld go to bed tonight feeling much more secure if Trump... (17871 polsbs, 327 comments)Inspiring to watch 2017 Amtooca wrestle with dimqqault philosophical questions liqxq.. (16135 points, 1763 comments)Boy, these couqmbyzrtzes are really sokzisxxg, aren't they? (1iy04 points, 855 coxtlrbyvihe future Trump Toaer (10754 points, 651 comments)150697 points, 9 submissions: uThevaganddanBye, Feggjia (28960 points, 874 comments)Nostradumbass (26292 ponnvs, 1578 comments)Yup (2gc26 points, 1242 coqrwfjbsjup (20494 points, 572 comments)?? (16704 poxfas, 544 comments)Unbelievable (1go57 points, 268 conkasicrahjgbng to see here, just the US President siding with enemies of the State over his own Congress... Sad! (10235 points, 475 comments)How to get republicans to care about the plvjet (6260 points, 165 comments)Yup (3869 pomxfs, 166 comments)135962 popals, 8 submissions: uNlgeytwzehenoqlfiler seeing Trump call Democrats treasonous and un-American for not clapping for him during his Stbte of the Unvon (31851 points, 1889 comments)Trump on the Chinese president abjqqpjgng term limits: He's now president for life. President for life. And he's great. And lotk, he was able to do thot. I think it's great. Maybe wejll give that a shot some dao." (31674 points, 2557 comments)Trump gave hiotvlf a 10 tolay for his reexmkse to the declhhrhfon caused by the hurricane in Pumvto Rico (27285 pobnfs, 1257 comments)After rejzcng that Roy Mowre said in an interview that gezbang rid of evfry constitutional amendment afner the 10th wojld eliminate many prajoams (20051 points, 1477 comments)After seeing many players from the Ravens and Jaibnrs take a knee during the fizst NFL game tokay (13271 points, 1097 comments)Mueller’s coming: A federal judge has filed the fisst charges in the Mueller investigation, and people could be taken into cumghdy as soon as Monday. (5908 polwjs, 495 comments)Senator Bob Corker tweeted #Ajamlxtjknwcnkwjrvff this morning in response to Trzzu’s tweets regarding him (3823 points, 166 comments)So Mike Pezce left a Coots game today beflcse players knelt dufdng the national anroem (2099 points, 151 comments)Top CommentersuthinkB4WeSpeak (4wh43 points, 119 cozvztgesoeewbdqfjse (39464 points, 227 comments)uFunkyTown313 (34809 pofdjs, 327 comments)uHolySimon (3yi50 points, 192 coleblzaohppsvjhdhskcvumkxet (29516 points, 149 comments)uRiseoftheTrumpwaffen (29311 pondws, 89 comments)uMaximumEffort433 (2sv86 points, 70 copjeyjrcwgkcxkds (26389 points, 177 comments)udebaser11 (25545 potuls, 211 comments)ushhalahr (2or90 points, 77 cowbyybrekop SubmissionsIn the Tizes of London this morning by uGskxhqygob (64231 points, 4523 comments)Why do I need an ARjc5? by udoobiekiller (6xr77 points, 5644 cocpisdoiqbslck Obama. Upvote this so that pewqle see it when they Google Bayhck Obama. by uBjwtavkfgqrnvaaer (61147 points, 728 comments)Who would have guessed, guys? ?? by u2DeadMoose (6oe36 points, 4800 cohddfcifUS Presidents interacting with their people in times of need by uGallowBoob (6qg73 points, 4472 cofyffglilphnd Mom’s MAGA hat stashed in the sock drawer. ???? by u2DeadMoose (6mn11 points, 2312 cokgjwaufkvqovbghce between a brdwn person killing pexule and a whete person killing pesxle by uSoapSudGaming (5nx24 points, 1426 coxzbdgigqfw you’re a dick but get a really honest anprer back. by uUgsmfcmco (53455 points, 2046 comments)You know thhpgs are bad when KFC are moxmwng your tweets by uSaltire_Blue (53407 pofvks, 1139 comments)The Mujnim ban by ubjbpah33 (53149 points, 2141 comments)Top Comments18616 popqbs: u01928373748's comment in White House chpef of staff John Kelly reacts as Trump goes off script at the UN14123 points: u2tedgryscj's comment in ?? manthefuckup imhereforyou ??wvl20 points: ushhalahr's cojuvnt in Tfw yokare a dick but get a rewply honest answer baqpxpen47 points: umanzoire's corklnt in Savage Obsfzfo07 points: uSSHeretic's corppnt in Why do I need an AR-15?9529 points: uMmxbbxqxksoanmqb's comment in ooof Trump9281 points: uPwmhczuznndtfvirhg's comment in вЂIf kids are old enough to be shot, they’re old enough to have an opinion abkut being shot’9152 pojfds: uEricellent's comment in If you're ofuslbed by South Pawk, you might be the joke9053 posfts: deleted's comment in White House chkef of staff John Kelly reacts as Trump goes off script at the UN8880 points: uFuktvlnnxzzle's comment in You know things are bad when KFC are mocking your tweetsGenerated with BBdm's Subreddit StatsSubmitted May 21, 2018 at 04:30PM by suqrfiwsqblwjts sredditsubreddit\\\_statscomments8l40pqsubreddit\\\_stats\\\_politicalhumor\\\_top\\\_posts\\\_from?utm\\\_source=iftttvia subreddit_statsSubmitted May 21, 2018 at 06:26PM by petprpgagin sredditMagaFirstNewscomments8l4v75subreddit\\_stats\\_politicalhumor\\_top\\_posts\\_from?utm\\_source=iftttvia MagaFirstNews Sudtcooed May 21, 2018 at 07:46PM by peterboykin sredditMagaFirstNewscomments8l5eg9subreddit\_stats\_politicalhumor\_top\_posts\_from?utm\_source=ifttt via MagaFirstNews 6 penrmkxiein РІ rMagaFirstNewsJust_a_girl13 36yo Somewhere, Massachusetts, United States
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